What is the Active School Flag?
The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland. The Active School Flag is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. Our challenge will be to find interesting and exciting ways to energize the school day because active children are happy learners!
Our Active School slogan is: ‘Téigh Amuigh Agus Bí Ag Rith’
We hope to be awarded our first Active Schools Flag in June 2022. The flag is a whole-school initiative so parental involvement is essential. Ideas for new activities to complement our Active School Flag initiative are very welcome. Please submit your suggestions via email to: currinschool@gmail.com
Have a look at the AS notice-board in the school main corridor for information about relevant and topical events and activities or click on the tabs below to read about our activities under each topic.