Week beginning March 1st
Marble Run Project Building Structures Project 5th class work 01.03 6th class work 01.03 6th class Confirmation workbook (Baptism)
Marble Run Project Building Structures Project 5th class work 01.03 6th class work 01.03 6th class Confirmation workbook (Baptism)
This page is still under construction. Content will be added here soon.
Junior infants - outline of work 22.02 - 26.02 Senior infants - outline of work 22.02 - 26.02 1st class - outline of work 22.02 - 26.02 2nd class work…
We dressed up for Halloween and we did a "Heating and Cooling Experiment". You can see the pictures below - it was a delicious experiment!!
The Junior Infants were delighted to try out the new oudoor sand pit on their first day at school! Welcome to Eve, Amy, Katie, Oran, Jack, Conor and Kevin.
Another popular activity in the middle room is story writing. We have two books of original stories from the boys and girls in middle room, which include some great stories.…
SESE is made up of History, Science and Geography. The boys and girls in middle room have really enjoyed taking part in numerous activities throughout the year. Take a look…
2021 will always go down in memory as the year Cavan won the Ulster championship! Needless to say the boys and girls in the middle room were just thrilled. Have…
Take a look at photos from the maths trail we conducted during the first term. We were able to use maths in the real world. We also enjoy maths games…
Over the last few months we have been busy creating a sensory garden beside the SET room. You will see from the photos uploaded that a lot of work has…