Welcome to our school website. We hope you find our website both interesting and informative, as it gives an insight into life in our school. Through our website we hope to keep you regularly updated with our latest news and upcoming events.

St. Mogue’s National School, Currin (Scoil Náisiúnta Naomh Maodhóg, Currin) is a co-educational Roman Catholic school under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Kilmore. There are three mainstream class teachers, and two special education teachers. We currently have 60 children on our roll.

We are very proud of the school with its rich tradition of teaching and learning, together with sport and music. We take great pride in providing a safe and secure learning environment for all children of varying abilities and needs. Our school motto is: “Ag súgradh, ag foghlaim agus ag fás le chéile” (“Playing, learning and growing together”). Great emphasis is placed on fostering mutual and self-respect, which underpin the happy and secure atmosphere in our school.

Our staff is committed to establishing and maintaining a school environment that allows our pupils to grow spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and socially.


Child Safeguarding 

The Board of Management’s annual review of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement took place on June 17 2024. Our Child Safeguarding Statement can be found here.

The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) is Kieran Conefrey and Deputy Designated Liaison Person (DDLP) is Evelyn McManus


Now Enrolling…

We are now open for enrolment of junior infants for September 2025. The enrolment form can be found here. Please return forms to the school by 31st January 2025.

Please contact the school on 0499526562 or currinschool@gmail.com if you would like to visit our school or have any queries. 

Clever Clogs operate a Breakfast Club (8:00-9:00am) and an Afterschool Club (2:00-5:30pm) in the school. Contact Paula Donohoe on 0879174098 if you wish to secure a place.


Our Latest News….

Active Schools Update

We are ready to officially label our Active School’s Walkway which we have been using for our Daily Mile challenge in January/February. This is a route within the school grounds which is accessible to all children and usable in all weathers.  Our Active Schools Team will be meeting this week to suggest and discuss other ways in which it can be used to help promote activity for all classes during the school day.

We will also be discussing appointment of Playground Leaders to teach and lead games during break times.

Preparations are underway for our Active school’s week scheduled to take place from 4th to 8th April.  The plan so far is as follows..

Mon 4th April Ju-Jitsu with Lyle Gawley.

Irish dance with Rachel Galligan.

Tue 5th  Swimming for Middle and Senior rooms.

Local cross- curricular walk for Junior Room.

Wed 6th Modern Dance with Dylan Quinn.
Thurs 7th Games and athletics in Templeport G.A.A grounds with T.Y students from St. Mogue’s College.
Fri 8th Local walk for Middle/Senior classes

A few spaces remain in the week for any suggestions parents might have. Please let us know well in advance.

We are all are looking forward to a fun-filled few days!

Confirmation 2022

Congratulations to Seán, Amy, Patrick, Alesha, Darragh, Kevin, Sarah, Fótla, Megan and Sarah who were confirmed by Bishop Martin Hayes in Our Lady of Lourdes church in Ballyconnell on May 6th,

Aladdin Panto

We were all delighted to finally have live entertainment back in our school on Jan 14th. Liberty Travelling Panto performed ‘Aladdin’ in our school hall. It was very enjoyable show with loads of laughter and a lot of screaming – Oh yes there was! ?

Junior Entrepreneur Programme 2022


Junior Entrepreneur Programme |

This year, 5th and 6th classes will be participating in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP). The Junior Entrepreneur Programme is a 16-week entrepreneurial education programme for children in 5th and 6th classes. Developed in Ireland, this innovative programme opens the minds of pupils to the joy of entrepreneurship while developing a number of skills including literacy, writing, presentation, drawing, technology, research skills, numeracy, financial, consumer awareness, storytelling, listening skills, creative thinking, problem solving, team building and collaboration skills.

During the programme the children taking part propose a number of ideas, with one of these being chosen as a class business.

The programme also has a significant impact on building confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem, and an appreciation of individual skills and talents of each child.

We kickstarted JEP in the school on 25th Novemeber by raising the ‘JEP 2022 participating school’ flag.

Check out the Junior Entrepreneur Programme website for more information. www.juniorentrepreneur.ie/howitworks/

Active School

Active School Flag Information - SCCNS

The children are taking part in the “Active Breaks Challenge” for a month from the 8th November to the 4th December as part of our work towards the Active Schools Flag. Children are involved in 3 /4 short active breaks between the scheduled breaks throughout the day. Active Bodies = Active Minds!

Halloween Dress-up Day for Childline

Our annual Halloween Dress-Up Day for Childline took place on Friday 22nd October. Well done to
all the children for dressing up – everyone put in a huge effort and there were some very scary
characters walking around the school that day! A total of €119 was raised for Childline and has been sent to this very worthwhile charity.


Team Hope Shoebox Appeal

Well done to everyone who brought in boxes for this year’s Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal.
Team Hope delivers Christmas boxes right into the hands of children in the most remote and poorest parts of the world and these Christmas boxes may be the only thing these children receive this
Christmas. An amazing 45 boxes were collected from our school this year for needy children in
Africa, Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union

Our new Junior Infants


A warm welcome all our students returning to school and hope everyone had a lovely summer. We would like to extend a special welcome to our new Junior Infants – Ruairí, Noelle, Amelia, Daniel, Tommy, Evan and Tadhg. We hope they will find the transition to “big school” very smooth and wish them many happy years here

Chips from our school garden!

The middle classroom planted seed potatoes last term, and harvested those potatoes during their first week back at school this September. They then enjoyed the fruits of the labour – lovely chunky chips for a Friday treat! Thanks to Mrs. McManus for preparing the chips for everyone in the school.

Check out the Gallery for all the photos