Welcome to our school website. We hope you find our website both interesting and informative, as it gives an insight into life in our school. Through our website we hope to keep you regularly updated with our latest news and upcoming events.
St. Mogue’s National School, Currin (Scoil Náisiúnta Naomh Maodhóg, Currin) is a co-educational Roman Catholic school under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Kilmore. There are three mainstream class teachers, and two special education teachers. We currently have 60 children on our roll.
We are very proud of the school with its rich tradition of teaching and learning, together with sport and music. We take great pride in providing a safe and secure learning environment for all children of varying abilities and needs. Our school motto is: “Ag súgradh, ag foghlaim agus ag fás le chéile” (“Playing, learning and growing together”). Great emphasis is placed on fostering mutual and self-respect, which underpin the happy and secure atmosphere in our school.
Our staff is committed to establishing and maintaining a school environment that allows our pupils to grow spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and socially.
Child Safeguarding
The Board of Management’s annual review of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement took place on June 17 2024. Our Child Safeguarding Statement can be found here.
The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) is Kieran Conefrey and Deputy Designated Liaison Person (DDLP) is Evelyn McManus
Now Enrolling…
We are now open for enrolment of junior infants for September 2025. The enrolment form can be found here. Please return forms to the school by 31st January 2025.
Please contact the school on 0499526562 or currinschool@gmail.com if you would like to visit our school or have any queries.
Clever Clogs operate a Breakfast Club (8:00-9:00am) and an Afterschool Club (2:00-5:30pm) in the school. Contact Paula Donohoe on 0879174098 if you wish to secure a place.
Our Latest News….
Photograph Exhibition

We are a Green School!
Oisín McManus, our former student and member of one of Ireland’s most popular entertainment acts The Tumbling Paddies, raised our Green Schools Flag last week. Congratulations to our Green School’s committee, all the children in the school and Mrs Mills who coordinated the initiative, on the award of the Green Schools flag for litter and waste. We would like to sincerely thank The Tumbling Paddies for taking time out of their very busy schedule to help us celebrate this wonderful achievement.
Graduation 2024
Congrats to Luke, Paudie, Thomas, Eliot, Fergal, Natalie, Eve, Eve, Danielle, Mya and Lucy who all graduated this morning – we wish them all the best in secondary school. We were joined by none other than The Tumbling Paddies for the graduation ceremony this morning!
Basket Weaving Workshop
Earlier this week, Helena Golden – The Willow Woman – held a basket weaving workshop in the school for 3rd to 6th classes. Using sustainably grown willow, the children learned how to weave their own basket just as their ancestors did. Baskets were used for storing and carrying food and fuel and they are becoming very popular again as we try to reduce the amount of plastic that we use. All the children had a basket to bring home, made from scratch with their very own hands! This project is part of the Heritage in Schools initiative and was funded by our Parents Association.
All-Ireland award winners again!
Coming home with one of the big prizes from the Our World Irish Aid National Finals in Dublin Castle today – the ”Changemakers Award”
Senior School Tour 2024

Playground Facelift!
Our school playground has had a facelift! The basketball court lines have been repainted, a new soccer court marked out, and various play areas painted including a jumbo chess board! New playground resources include skipping ropes, balls, hula hoops, Twister, outdoor Jenga, jumbo draughts, jumbo Connect-4, Wooden Quoits, sensory play equipment and throwing games. This is part of Active School initiative and our Well-Being school improvement plan, and has all been made possible by the generous donation of €1700 from our Parents’ Association.
First Holy Communion 2024
First Communion Class 2024. Congratulations to Kevin, Oran, Jack, Donnacha, Eve, Amy, Conor and Katie who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday 18th May. Thanks to their teacher Ms. Reilly for preparing them so well for their big day, to Fr Sean for a lovely ceremony and Sean Deely and the wonderful choir for the beautiful music and singing.
Mary’s Meal Fundraiser
An amazing €1065 was collected recently by the St Mogue’s N.S. community for the Mary’s Meals charity. The children presented the cheque to Patricia Shannon, from Mary’s Meals, earlier this week. Patricia informed us that this money will feed 48 children every day for a full school year, providing 9,688 meals for some of the most vulnerable children in Malawi. Well done everyone!
Confirmation 2024
Congratulations to Luke, Paudie, Lucy, Eve, Natalie, Eve, Mya, Eliot, Danielle, Fergal and Thomas who made their Confirmation on Saturday 25th in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Ballyconnell. Thanks to everyone who helped out in any way to make the day so memorable for the children. A special word of thanks to Ballyconnell Folk Group for the beautiful singing and music during the ceremony.